I liked this book. I really did. But I don't like it enough to invest in the rest of the series. Why? Well that's down to one thing really. Our main man Darrow.
"There are no goddamned limits.”
A copy of this book is currently available for a FREE on itunes! I saved myself some good mulla reading this baby on the tiny screen of my ipod touch... although my eyes have been doing some crazy things lately.
Rarely is a sequel better then it's original. But then again it's pretty obvious Abercrombie knows how to step things up a notch. The characters i liked before... I love them now. Characters I disliked... well I like them a little better. Characters I overlooked... starting to pick up some sinister vibes. There's a lot of development in this one, especially with a certain selfish prick named Jezal Dan Luthar slowly tugging at the old heart strings. I admit it. I ended up feeling sorry for him. God! Who am I kidding? I ended up feeling sorry for everyone!
I'm unsure how i feel about this one... There were times I wanted to fall into an endless sleep with the monotonous descriptions of unnecessary things.
p183 / 496
Anne Bishop enjoys describing mundane things. For example....
"The heavy fabric sack had two sleeves with stiff bottoms that were sized for the insulated travel mugs, plus a zippered compartment that could hold sandwiches or containers of food. There was even a section to hold cutlery."
Why? Why are we describing a lunch bag? Why is there a section to hold cutlery? Will the cutlery be used as a weapon later? Perhaps the insulated travel mugs and zippered compartment will be of vital importance as Monty delivers the lunch?
The answer is no. But now we all know a little bit more about lunch bags in a world filled with supernatural creatures, so this has been worth while... right?
I'm going to liken this book to putting your hand in some boiling water. Of course the waters cold at first. Or else you'd just reflexively pull your hand out. So the water's cold, but then it slowly starts to heat up. You don't really notice at first and then next thing you know the water's boiled and your hand's blistered and you've realised all to late and suddenly the damage is done.
p342 / 630
Ok so, I've been a little booklikes absent of late, girls gotta party and what not.
I really want to finish this book. I really do. My love for The Lies of Locke Lamora means I must finish this book. But it is just such a chore at the moment.
If this was any other series I would have given up weeks ago! Especially when I've got Joe Abercrombie lined up next...
We've finally got some pirates though, things might be looking up?
I can't review this one.